For those who follow the blog (apparently there are more than one people reading these pages regularly, and yes I am serious!) you would have known by now that the book is called '101 things to do before you are old and boring'. Unfortunately the book can not stop you getting older (you are already 5 seconds older since you started reading this post), but it can help with the boring bit! It's now 6 months since I started this and all this time it has provided a plethora (remember the Thing with the words!) opportunities for coffee chat. More importantly it gives you something different to do every week. So if you are thinking about embarking on your list then my advise is: stop reading this and start writing.
If you are not convinced yet, do a little experiment. Ask 10 friends to list their hobbies. I bet they will list the usual stuff like going out, TV, dinners, music, reading. Are you still awake? I am not saying these are boring things to do. On the contrary! I go out, watch TV (well sort of), enjoy dinners (that's an understatement), listen to music and enjoy reading. But what I think is missing from the picture is variation. And that's what the book can do for you. It also makes other things interesting too. Everything around you is an opportunity to complete a Thing. In fact, chances are your existing hobbies would be in the book in one way or another.
I am confident by now you are on Amazonordering the book. Was it my strong and convincing arguments or have you just realised how bored you are that you have nothing better to do but read my blog? (The correct answer is the first one). Either way when you start your own list don't get throughit very quickly. What's the point? I am not 14 and I have already done many Things (e.g. Thing#I-don-t-remember-the-number: Be a genius) already, but so what? Skimming stones may be a novelty if you are a kid, but come on: It's a great excuse to go to the beach! And make sure you don't go alone. Get your friends with you. After all they will be glad to see you humiliated and humbled. That's what friends are there for, right? And if someone claims your blog is boring then you be serious and say the next few words in a posh way: 'I will not dignify your comment with a response'. If you choose to respond then claim that it takes a boring person to know a boring blog or that they are so old that they can be fun anymore. My suggested course of action is to ignore them, you are not doing it for them, but for you. You are getting older and more boring while explaining why you are doing it after all.
Finally, a piece of advice I keep giving myself: if you are to do something do it properly... and look good while doing it. So go and buy a PROPER t-shirt to wear while blogging (male/female).