Sunday, 26 October 2008

Thing #51: I am spending my time (and money)

About 6 months ago I bought a green tie. I then managed to make a mark on it using a pen so I gave it to my mother to 'safely' vanish the stain. She did vanish it, tie included! So I gave up waiting for it to miraculously re-appear and bought a new one. Well 3 of them. And... while I was on it I got a 7-port USB self-powered hub. After all, every household needs one of them. I then went for a hot chocolate... twice.

Going shopping with your swear money? About £47.6. Blogging it for the 101 Things to do before you are old and boring? Priceless!

Having spent my swear box money I can now claim Thing #51 done. As this is the 60th completed thing, I am now almost 2/3 there!

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