Sunday, 22 February 2009

Thing #18: Win Something & Thing #68: Take Part in a Tv show & Thing #100: Meet someone famous

I was thinking of what to post for Thing #18: Win something and two stories came to mind, one which involved winning prizes in radio shows. That reminded me of Thing #68: Take part in a TV show. Interestingly, television is the only media I have not featured actively in one form or another. Well I have been mentioned I suppose and even appeared randomly! So, as I always had a passion for radio, I thought to put forward those prizes I won back in... 1994 (yes that's correct, 15 years ago) in a local radio show. I even remember, a couple of the questions, .e.g. one asked where is the Atomium. Piece of cake!

To win my other prizes though I had to put far more effort than just use my trivia knowledge. So I prepared my submission for this competition and went to the night of the awards full of confidence. I even prepared a speech.. just in case! Anyway, I arrived at the gala, sat down and had a look at the programme which listed all the competition entries... only to find that I was not listed! I was disappointed to say the least trying to come up with why that would be the case. Anything from my submission did not reach them to I was THAT bad! After a minute I thought I should at least enjoy myself. So, to cut the story short, I enjoyed my dinner, while they started announcing the prizes one by one (similarly to the Oscars). I was very surprised to listen to the presenter announcing that I was nominated for one of the categories. I thought to myself that's better than nothing. Even better than that, was that I won the second prize in that category! By that stage I was thinking this is not as bad after all and how can it be when your hopes are crashed as mine were originally. Anyway, they continued with the prizes and got to the last one, which was the overall award. I was surprised (but not as surprised as the first time) to find out that I was nominated again. Second time lucky and I got to win tho overall prize! Not bad considering I was not even mentioned in the programme.

Replaying the evening in my head while writing these few words also reminded me that the overall prize was presented by Diego Luna, an actor who had recently played in the 'Terminal' with Tom Hanks. So, I suppose I can even put that forward for Thing #100: Meet someone famous (an update on this can be found here)

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