Friday, 12 October 2007

Thing #35: Learn how to ask someone out

You would have thought that years of practice would have made this easier. Think again! I guess people don't get better at asking other people out as such. They just handle rejection easier. Then, it is so much easier to ask someone one! Before you get old and boring you tend to take things personally a bit more than you should really do. When you are old enough, and wiser if I may say, you realise it's not the end of the world if you get reject. In fact, even if you do go on a date, you will need to probably ask someone else out sooner or later (that's what statistics say anyway). I guess this is why this Thing is actually called 'Learn how to ask someone out and... how to dump them'! Both useful social skills for emotionally balanced individuals!

Now if you are a girl reading this blog please read this: How to ask a guy out (as if you really need to!). If you are a boy reading this blog please read this: How to ask a girl out (you most probably need this!). Either way, if you still struggle, get the "101 Things to do before you are old and boring" and pretend you ask someone out only because it's in the book. It's a good way to start a conversation about the Things you've done, it proves you are not yet old and boring and if at the end you get rejected... you can always blame the book!

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