Monday, 18 February 2008

Thing #38: Make a time capsule

I received an email a few minutes ago that made me think (not that I was not thinking before or that I will not think later on) of how many time capsules we make for other people.

A friend had kept all the letters I had sent 15 years ago. Yes, for those of you who are not yet old and boring, that was before email. It's rather scary to be able to narrate stories that took place 15 or 20 years ago, but what can you do about it (other than invent time travel)?

Looking back, it is "strange to notice how we were obviously less experienced in life, yet how little our characters and ideas have changed since then. 15 years ago, imagine... We're getting old", but not boring!

As this blog is not just about me, but those close to me too and as it seems that it has made a really good job of turning 'insignificant random events' to things worth sharing, I would like to put forward my friend's time capsule and declare Thing #38 done.

Sunday, 10 February 2008

Thing #75: Watch a tadpole grow into a frog

February to March is the best time to find frogspawn (apparently), so this is ideal time for me to watch a tadpole grow into a frog. So I could go to a lake and wait for a few weeks/months until I get to see the product of the final transformation: the frog. Now that's interesting, I am sure, but, there are other more extreme transformations that can be observed.. not at the lake, but on YouTube. Try watching the video below and see for yourself! This is as close I will get to watching animal transformations!

Saturday, 9 February 2008

Thing #37: Write Lyrics for a Song

No, I am not going for a Grammy, but I had to have a go at writing a few lyrics for a song. The good news is that I don't have to write the music too. If you can, then feel free to have a go at it and send me the MP3 to post here. Oh, the lyrics are released under the Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 UK: England & Wales licence.

Keep up

Moments like this you feel alone,
you think of the past,
and those things...
that are yet to come,
uncertainty all around,
deep breaths come out.

You know there is a start,
there is even an end.
You are somewhere in between,
in a journey, straight ahead.

Time passes by,
without you on my side,
and I have, I have to wonder why...
why, are you not on my side?

Emotions are tangled,
thoughts and actions too.
I am not tired of keeping up,
I am just tired of being away from you.

Friday, 1 February 2008

Thing #96: Glue coins to the floor

I went to a house the other day and outside, on the steps, there were two coins. I could not be bothered to pick them up. So, said to a friend who was near by: "It's your lucky day, 15p!" She tried to pick them up, only to find out they were glued! Now for this thing I was supposed to glue the coins myself, but still by indirectly tricking someone, I accidentaly managed to complete this Thing!

Thing #4: Learn how to tell if someone fancies you

Internet, such a wonderful thing! It can actually provide a much-sought solution to an ever-lasting problem: find if someone fancies you. Well, since I marked this as done, I came across a nice way of figuring this out.

Just try:, but use it at your own risk ;)