Sunday, 21 July 2019

Thing #11: Make a difference - Get your school involved

I got an award that was presented in front of my School. You just need to wait for it.. and in doing so you can finally kill two birds with one stone! "Make a difference - Get your school involved" is finally done.

Saturday, 20 July 2019

Thing #67: Build the Ultimate Sandcastle and Have Fun in the Sun

They did not specify what exactly they meant by "ultimate", so I thought to innovate...

Thing #82: Learn to Skip Stones

I used to do this when I was a kid. I could typically  get 4-5 skips which was not that bad. So I thought to try this again. I travelled to the beach and start throwing stones to the sea. I will not comment on my performance. Instead.. I will just show you a more interesting video.

Saturday, 6 July 2019

Think #54: Be a Daredevil

I'd prefer that thing was called Be Daredevil, in which case I'd have prefer to be Hulk or even better Iron Man.

I did try a roller coaster recently, but I think to claim this Thing riding the crystal clear cabin at Ngong Ping 360 was sufficient enough. 

Thing #65: Learn to Juggle

I misread the title. 

Thing #47: Make your Own Badges

If you like my new badges and you are not old and boring then feel free to drop me a line and order yours!

In fact, I am considering selling a wide range of products to remind others that i am not old and boring!

Thing #84: Lobby Your Local Congressman (Redo)

I had to write to my MP on an important matter. It was good to see that... at least I got a reply.

Thing #83: Dye Your Hair

My first ever post on his blog was on the 5th of January 2007.

Since then...

It is 4566 days from the start date to the end date, end date included. or 12 years, 6 months, 2 days including the end date or 150 months, 2 days including the end date.

4566 days can also be converted to one of these units (in case you are wondering):

  • 394,502,400 seconds
  • 6,575,040 minutes
  • 109,584 hours
  • 4566 days
  • 652 weeks and 2 days 

After such a long time, it's not just my hair that has gone grey. I bet yours have gone grey too, waiting for this blog to finally complete the 101 things to do!

On a positive note I am still not THAT old and not THAT boring.

Thing #29: Climb to the Top of a Mountain

If you climb at the top of a mountain then you have reached the Peak. I took a photo to prove it!