Sunday, 17 November 2019

Thing 1#: Time & Thing 10#: Time Machine

If I was to invent something it would not be time. It would be a time machine.

It would certainly be fun, assuming with machine could also take you places. Imagine going back in time to visit the Great Pyramids and having to travel all the way there on foot, by horse or boat.

Thinking of the future, if I had invented time travel, then  I would have thought (very reasonably) "why stop here?" and then moved on to invent teleportation too. So travelling from A to B would not be a problem.

More realistically speaking, one thing I could have actually come up with is the excellent  TimeandDate website: As the name suggests, I use it for anything time and date related, especially finding out what the difference is between two dates. For example since my first post on 16/12/2017 there have been 4354 days from the start date to the end date, but not including the end date. Useful to know.
In case you have been wondering that is:

  • 11 years, 11 months, 1 day excluding the end date.
  • 143 months, 1 day excluding the end date.
  • 376,185,600 seconds
  • 6,269,760 minutes
  • 104,496 hours
  • 4354 days
  • 622 weeks

Returning to the book, one thing that was of interest was the fact that 4236 was the first recorded year. After some online searching it seems that this was the first year of Egyptian calendar.

PS: I only noticed that Thing 10 was to invent a time machine, almost 2 years after the original post. It seems that somehow I managed to go back in time to complete this Thing today!
I am about to start going through the 101 Things You Wish You'd Invented...

I am not entirely sure how to approach this. The 101 01 Things To Do Before You Are Old and Boring was a clear to-do list. With this one things are not as straight forward. Having had a look at the first 2-3 Things, I guess this will end up being a systematic collection of random thoughts about stuff.

Hopefully it won't take me as long as it took me to complete the 101 Things To Do Before You Are Old and Boring...

Sunday, 3 November 2019

I am just so happy that there are not 101 books to go through! 

It's now been 12 years since I started this blog. I am certainly (much) older, but hopefully not any more boring compared to my earlier me! I think it's high time I posted for one more time and claim the last 4 Things completed. As you have probably guessed by now, I don't like leaving business unfinished. Neither though do I want to wait forever before I can "properly" completed it. Life is short and one Thing I have learnt over the years, is that sometimes it is OK for Things to simply be good enough. There are indeed battles that you need to give, striving for perfection, but this should not apply to everyThing (pun intended).

There is also another good reason why I need to get on with Things: I bought 101 Things you wish you'd invented, 101 Things to do to become a superhero, 101 Things you need to know and some you don't and.. 101 Things to do before you die. If, on average I need 10 years to complete each list, then I'd be giving the last book a very different meaning!


Thing 73: Have a sleepover 
Not only did I have a sleepover, but I actually organised one when I was 17!

Thing 59: Camp out in the backyard 
I have gone camping and/or slept outside. Such experiences have never been the most comfortable ones. These reminded me of numerous times when I had to "camp" overnight involuntarily at an airport somewhere, waiting for my next flight. No pain... no gain. So this Thing is officially done.

Thing 74: Become a spy
That would have made sense 15 years ago. Now we have social media. LOL!

Thing 55: Invent a new trend
I have often thought of myself as being an innovative and enterprising individual. I would not though refer to myself as a trend-setter. So it seems I am more on the "invention" side as opposed to the "new trend" side of this Thing. Personally speaking, this is more than enough for me. I've never really cared much about what others thought or did and hence if I was to do something, I would have done it for myself, and not for setting a new trend.

Given that the last Thing written up was one on inventing something... one can only interpret this as a sign that the next book and list of 101 Things to go through should be the one on the Things I wish I'd invented!