Indeed. I wish I had invented photography. Who would not like to boast that they found a way to capture moments. Then again, who would like to go through all these moments again? Fortunately we seem to take photographs when the moment inspires us one way or another. Have you ever taken a photograph of something that made you feel bad?
These days we take so many photos on mobile phones that we end up diluting their value. I still remember the excitement of handing the film over the counter and waiting for it to develop before you could see how good or bad your shots were after all. Even then, you used to treasure those moments captured (as you had already paid for the development of the film there was little else one could do!).

Nowadays we take so many photos without thinking too much about it. Why not after all? You can just delete those that you don't need. Still, how many times do we go back to them to view them? How many of us still have photo albums or even a digital frame? What's the point in taking a photo at the first place if you are not going to view it?