Friday, 14 December 2007

Thing #39: Be a genius

How appropriate is this Thing for me! Most of my friends think I am a genius and (of course) they think right. They will also testify of my modesty any day! That's me: a modest genius. I am sure you have figured that out anyway by following this blog. You choice of web sites to visit indicates readers of higher intelligence, so well done to you too.

Anyway, to complete the test I decided to take an online IQ Test. Not the best thing to do when you have a headache, but it's a good way to treat insomnia, as IQ test put me to sleep in exactly 26.8 seconds.

So I entered 'IQ test' in Google and selected the first test in the list. After all, I needed an unbiased test (i.e. I did not pick one based on personal preference). Despite the fact that I hate IQ tests, I decided to see this test through. So, I completed it (without falling asleep) and it seems I have an IQ of 126. This ranks me at the top of the above average scale, just 3 points below gifted (2.3% of test takers). Click here for the scales.

Try it if your self and post a comment with your results:

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It seems that you are not the only one with an IQ of 126!The only difference between us is that I know that we are 4 points below gifted, not 3! But still you are a genius! Well done!