Wednesday, 12 May 2010

Thing #100: Meet someone famous

I have already claimed this thing done, but why not claim again? After all last time when I met Diego Luna he did even not ask my name. Well this time I got the record straight! I recently attended one of Malcolm Gladwell's talks after which I bought two of his books. After waiting patiently in the line for a few minutes I approached him and said... "Hi!". He started signing the book only to stop and ask for my name. I knew his. He knew mine. In my books this is called an introduction and consequently justifies me claiming this Thing done properly this time!

1 comment:

Jessica said...

The biggest famous person I've met would be Charlton Heston; I went to a book signing of his when I was young and my father introduced my brother and I. I just remember how old he looked (I was used to seeing him as Moses in The Ten Commandments). I have also interviewed Frank Warren of PostSecret - THAT was VERY cool!