Friday 5 January 2007

New year resolutions

I am one of these people that connect things in their head piece by piece and then they have the big Aha! moment (you know the moment with the flashing bulb over your head?). Well I had one of these moments today. I have been thinking of something interesting to get myself involved with for sometime and came up with a long list of things. Mostly involved creating collections (or databases if you prefer) of things and putting them on the web. What's the point after all if you are to do something and keep to yourself?

I also wanted to start writing again. Not that I ever stopped. But I could not find anything to write about. Of course it would have be something interesting, otherwise no one will read it (remember the sharing concept?). It would also have to be interesting for me too, otherwise I will bore myself to death and this is supposed to be fun.

I struggled for sometime and then watched CSI.

Grissom: So, let's see. You surf, you scuba dive. You're into latex, you like fashion models and Marilyn Manson. And you also have a coin collection?

Greg: Weird, ha?

Grissom: Well, I race cockroaches.

No I am not going to get involved with any of the above (especially racing cockroaches!). It was just a reminder that I was probably spending too much time thinking about what I want to do instead of actually doing something. So now, well yesterday, I got determined, but still lacked the idea. And the idea came this morning.

I have a friend who listens to this random music called Jazz. I like Jazz; sometimes, not always, but that's another story. Anyway, he said why don't you try the '101 Things to Do Before You're Old and Boring'. The book gives you ideas and encourages you to log your experiences. This is the moment I had the flashing bulb over my head. I can do 101 things and then blog them. Sounds reasonably cool.

Actually I had already read '100 Things to do before you die'. Typical me, I read the booklet (very short read), highlighted the interesting bits and then filed it under 'Useful for quotes'. I guess you have figured the plan already. I follow the books and do what they say. Some of the stuff in this type of books can often be crazy or so improbable that they end up being crazy for my taste so I won't or I can not do them. Everything else I will blog and keep you updated of my progress.

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