This is NOT difficult. Or is it?
The first thing that came to mind is where to throw the bottle. It will have to be somewhere in open sea so that there will be a chance of it going far far and even further away. On the other hand it will probably get lost. Possible solutions: try multiple sites to ensure higher chance of at least one message surviving.
Second issue: what kind of bottle will it be? It has to be something that will be friendly to the environment but at the same time it will last the journey. The key here is perhaps the seal. I used a cork it will probably won't last too long.
Third point to think: the message. The book has a couple of suggestions. I could use both of them if I was to send out more than one bottles. It also suggests that the message is translated to different languages. Make sense. I could use Babelfish or even ask my friends to translate it for me. Eh... ok Babelfish it is (this was almost a joke).
So, it seems I have now a plan!
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