Sunday, 16 December 2007

Merry Christmas!

I think I am done for this year! 35 Things and 86 posts later I will wish you all Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. You may be older when I next see you, but do make sure you have a great time during the holidays!


Thing #86: Sing in front of an audience

I like singing (whether that applies to those around me, that's a different question) which is handy, because this is what I had to do to complete Thing #86. Today's performance in front of a loyal audience is put forward as evidence for the completion of this Thing.

PS: If you are a world-wide known band and you are looking for a lead singer, then drop me a line.

Friday, 14 December 2007

Thing #31: Host a party

If you are a member of the secret society you attended the great party I organised. If you are not, please apply within. Every member of the society gets a free ball of crisps.

Thing #39: Be a genius

How appropriate is this Thing for me! Most of my friends think I am a genius and (of course) they think right. They will also testify of my modesty any day! That's me: a modest genius. I am sure you have figured that out anyway by following this blog. You choice of web sites to visit indicates readers of higher intelligence, so well done to you too.

Anyway, to complete the test I decided to take an online IQ Test. Not the best thing to do when you have a headache, but it's a good way to treat insomnia, as IQ test put me to sleep in exactly 26.8 seconds.

So I entered 'IQ test' in Google and selected the first test in the list. After all, I needed an unbiased test (i.e. I did not pick one based on personal preference). Despite the fact that I hate IQ tests, I decided to see this test through. So, I completed it (without falling asleep) and it seems I have an IQ of 126. This ranks me at the top of the above average scale, just 3 points below gifted (2.3% of test takers). Click here for the scales.

Try it if your self and post a comment with your results:

Thursday, 6 December 2007

Thing #93: Build your own web site

Hello?!? You are already to my web site! What's the point in building things from scratch? Not to mention that this is a good opportunity to be part of the Web2.0 movement.

In anyway, I have built more web sites in my life than I care to remember, so I consider this Thing D*O*N*E.

Saturday, 1 December 2007

Thing #20: Stay up all night - Done!

Done, lets now go to bed and sleep.

Stay awake - Update #4

Almost fell asleep 22 minutes before the end! :)

Stay awake - Update #3

Time until Saturday, 1 December 2007, 07:40:00 (London time)

It is 0 days, 1 hour, 31 minutes and 32 seconds until Saturday, 1 December 2007, 07:40:00 (London time)

Stay awake - Update #2

Good news! I double checked the book and it does not say that I have to stay awake between 7pm and 9am. It actually says: "Tick the box if you have stayed up later than..." and boxes from 7pm to 9am. So technically, staying up all night does not necessarily mean until 9am. In fact, in London today sunrise is at 7:40am (sunset was at 3:55pm). If you don't believe me then visit Hence, to stay up all night I need to stay awake until 7:40am. That is only 292 minutes or 17k seconds away, i.e. about 5 hours. (countdown) Piece of cake!

Stay awake - don't try this at home!

I am trying to keep myself awake tonight to complete this Thing. If you 'try', then it's more difficult than it actually is. Anyway, to help time pass I watched an ice hockey game, and then played cards until 1:30am. I have another 6 and 1/2 hours to go. Lets hope I can complete this Thing in one go.

Wednesday, 28 November 2007

Thing #20: Stay up all night

I have stayed up probably too many nights in my life, so once more won't make a difference. So, this Friday I plan to stay up all night (i.e. from 7pm to 9pm). I will be updating you on my progress as time goes by. Feel free to send me messages during the night and keep my motivated!

Saturday, 17 November 2007

Thing #19: Make a t-shirt

To complete Thing 19 I had to create a t-shirt. I actually did this 17 years ago (you are officially old if you can refer to thing that happened 17 years ago, BUT then again I am only 18), using a cover from one of my favourite albums. I think I still have that t-shirt somewhere. Now for this Thing I thought it would be more interesting if I created a few designs following the Things I did for the blog. You can download the images and use them to create your own personalised items (t-shirts, coffee mugs etc) using a service like CafePress (, showing your support for the blog and of course spreading the word at the same time!

As true evangelists, you will then send me a photo of you or the items you ordered. Chances are no one will do it, but then you should not complain to others who claim you are old and boring. Photos of your custom-made items are also welcome!

For mugs and other items:


Tuesday, 6 November 2007

Thing #43: Make a difference - Done!

The target amount has been donated to the selected charity and this Thing is now completed!

My gratitude goes to all those who kindly donated, helping me complete this Thing!

Monday, 5 November 2007

Thing #28: Do a party trick

It's been a while since I've completed a Thing, so I though to do #28 and come back with a bit of magic!

Interestingly, Thing #28 is the 28th Thing I complete!

Thursday, 25 October 2007

Money does not grow on trees

My money seed failed to grow for a second time, so I have decided to give up this one for the time being.

Friday, 19 October 2007


The seed seems to be growing now towards the right direction (after I had to reorient it!). You would have thought that reading the 3 line instructions would have made a difference. Hopefully, in 3-4 days there will be signs of the first leafs... and signs of me finally finishing this Thing.

Thursday, 18 October 2007

Toooo slow

I got another seed kit and planted my second money seed, hoping I will be more successful this time. I placed it next to the window and watered it regularly. I even read the instructions this time. Still, four days later no result. I always knew gardening (and plants in general for that matter) was not my cup of tea, but this is now getting ridiculous. Lets give it another 2-3 days and see what happens.

Friday, 12 October 2007

Vote now!

A few days ago I added a poll (check the right hand side column). It will stay open for 101 days. So, get voting! After all, you don't want to miss this once in a lifetime opportunity to make a difference, right?

Thing #35: Learn how to ask someone out

You would have thought that years of practice would have made this easier. Think again! I guess people don't get better at asking other people out as such. They just handle rejection easier. Then, it is so much easier to ask someone one! Before you get old and boring you tend to take things personally a bit more than you should really do. When you are old enough, and wiser if I may say, you realise it's not the end of the world if you get reject. In fact, even if you do go on a date, you will need to probably ask someone else out sooner or later (that's what statistics say anyway). I guess this is why this Thing is actually called 'Learn how to ask someone out and... how to dump them'! Both useful social skills for emotionally balanced individuals!

Now if you are a girl reading this blog please read this: How to ask a guy out (as if you really need to!). If you are a boy reading this blog please read this: How to ask a girl out (you most probably need this!). Either way, if you still struggle, get the "101 Things to do before you are old and boring" and pretend you ask someone out only because it's in the book. It's a good way to start a conversation about the Things you've done, it proves you are not yet old and boring and if at the end you get rejected... you can always blame the book!

Sunday, 7 October 2007

Feel old and boring? Talk2Me

Dan is yet another person who woke up one day and felt (almost) old and boring. So, he decided to talk to people about what it means to be old and boring (as if we don't know!). How would you spot Dan? Well the sign and his t-shirt give him away, don't you think?
Find out more about Dan's 101 Things at his blog.

Sunday, 30 September 2007

Thing #22: Invent a secret code

When I was a kid I thought it would have been cool if we had a secret code to chat without being understood. By chat I don't mean... online! The Internet as we now it today did not exist back then. So, I reinvented the wheel by adopting a straight number for letter substitution. It was not difficult to crack but assuming you could the substitution quicker than those that you were trying to fool (i.e. the other kids) that was fine. If you want to see how this works click here. So I would like to retrospectively put my ingenuity forward and tick the box for this Thing.

By the way, secret codes are very helpful things, especially if you are to have your own secret society, right?

Saturday, 29 September 2007

2 leaves

Twenty days in the making and ladies and gentlemen we have two leaves. That's not very exciting so I will save myself the embarrassment and try this again. I need to go and buy one more of the seed kits (and even follow the instructions this time!). Thinking in a genuinely geeky way I could use the existing kit to plant normal seeds and compare them to the money-seed. It would be interested to see if the money tree worths its money by outperforming the normal seeds! Ironic eh?

Thursday, 20 September 2007

one week later...

It's now been a few days since I planted my seed and my money tree is still to come to life. I was wondering today whether it would come to life after all... due to a few 'minor' issues. For example, planting the seed the wrong way (it was the instructions fault) or watering it too much (again the instructions - they did not say much) or placing the seed under the light (it was not in a dark cupboard or anything but still). I was thinking of getting another one equipped with my newfound wisdom to try this once more, when I noticed the seed has actually grown a bit the last couple of days. Perhaps I should give it a bit more time and take it from there!

Friday, 14 September 2007

Tuesday, 11 September 2007

Thing #31: Host a party

I am hosting a party and you are all invited!

Thing #3: Make an oregami crane (Reader contribution)

For a previous Thing I had to make an oregami crane. Well I did not, but a reader did and sent me a photo!

If you want to contribute with your own stories or photos of Things you have done, leave a comment with your email and I will email you back.

Sunday, 9 September 2007

Thing #24: Grow something from a seed

In case you are wondering what I've been up to (yeah right!) I've been waiting for a seed to grow so that I can post the photos (or video if i get around to make one) online. It takes time you know! It's actually a bean which writes 'money' on it. Who said money does not grow on trees?!? In anyway, it's a good example of how the book can give meaning to a meaningless stroll at the shops (yes I know, I used the word meaningless and shops in the same sentence), as I found this little 'toy' accidentally. I will wait a few more days and then update you on the seed's progress. Lets all pretend this is something very exciting!

Wednesday, 29 August 2007

Thing #97: Take great photos - Done!

Sometimes you don't need to know how to take great photos. The landscape renders them great photos because it's just so beautiful. This certainly helps a hopeless photographer like myself!

Anyway, all the photos below were taken in Santorini. I resized them so that you can use them for wallpapers (4:3 screens - they may will look a bit funny if stretched for use on a wide screens)! Just click on any of them, then on the new window right click on the photo and 'Set as background', if you are using Internet Explorer.

Thursday, 23 August 2007

Thing #60: Done

After one week (actually almost 8 days!) of not touching a PC (in fact not even coming close to one) I can proudly claim this Thing is now finally done! Now, please let me spend the next week in front of a screen in piece. Thank you.

Tuesday, 7 August 2007

Thing #60: Done but have I done enough?

I have completed the 7 days of exercising and I am now as 'done' as this Thing.

Now, that I have exercised my body and armed with a new-found confidence I am prepared for the the unthinkable: stay away from computers for 7 days. Only then will I have proven myself worthy of claiming this Thing really completed.

Saturday, 4 August 2007

Why start your own list!

For those who follow the blog (apparently there are more than one people reading these pages regularly, and yes I am serious!) you would have known by now that the book is called '101 things to do before you are old and boring'. Unfortunately the book can not stop you getting older (you are already 5 seconds older since you started reading this post), but it can help with the boring bit! It's now 6 months since I started this and all this time it has provided a plethora (remember the Thing with the words!) opportunities for coffee chat. More importantly it gives you something different to do every week. So if you are thinking about embarking on your list then my advise is: stop reading this and start writing.

If you are not convinced yet, do a little experiment. Ask 10 friends to list their hobbies. I bet they will list the usual stuff like going out, TV, dinners, music, reading. Are you still awake? I am not saying these are boring things to do. On the contrary! I go out, watch TV (well sort of), enjoy dinners (that's an understatement), listen to music and enjoy reading. But what I think is missing from the picture is variation. And that's what the book can do for you. It also makes other things interesting too. Everything around you is an opportunity to complete a Thing. In fact, chances are your existing hobbies would be in the book in one way or another.

I am confident by now you are on Amazonordering the book. Was it my strong and convincing arguments or have you just realised how bored you are that you have nothing better to do but read my blog? (The correct answer is the first one). Either way when you start your own list don't get throughit very quickly. What's the point? I am not 14 and I have already done many Things (e.g. Thing#I-don-t-remember-the-number: Be a genius) already, but so what? Skimming stones may be a novelty if you are a kid, but come on: It's a great excuse to go to the beach! And make sure you don't go alone. Get your friends with you. After all they will be glad to see you humiliated and humbled. That's what friends are there for, right? And if someone claims your blog is boring then you be serious and say the next few words in a posh way: 'I will not dignify your comment with a response'. If you choose to respond then claim that it takes a boring person to know a boring blog or that they are so old that they can be fun anymore. My suggested course of action is to ignore them, you are not doing it for them, but for you. You are getting older and more boring while explaining why you are doing it after all.

Finally, a piece of advice I keep giving myself: if you are to do something do it properly... and look good while doing it. So go and buy a PROPER t-shirt to wear while blogging (male/female).

Update: 57.142857142857142857142857142857% completed

That's basically 4/7 sessions done! Another 42.857142857142857142857142857143% to go!

Friday, 3 August 2007

Update: 42.857142857142857142857142857143% completed

That's basically 3/7 sessions done! Another 57.142857142857142857142857142857% to go!

Thursday, 2 August 2007

Thing #60: Let's try this again

I have previously tried to complete Thing #60, by exercising for a week... and failed. No it's time I tried again. In fact, I have already started and I am already on day 2! Another 5 days to go!

I am already tired. Well, OK... exhausted!

Monday, 23 July 2007

New high score!

A reader who will call 'X' has officially achieved a new high score in the 'Sparkling Cow Look' game. If you want your name to appear in the hall of fame of this exciting game then read the instructions first, play the game and send me a screenshot of your score!

Saturday, 21 July 2007

Thing #3: Make an Origami Crane

Not an origami crane, but equally exciting. Use pub supplied beer mats to make a TIE fighter chasing a X_Wing.

PS: Convenience has just been elevated to a completely new level.

Wednesday, 18 July 2007

High score

Can you beat me? If you do send me a screenshot to prove it! :)

By the, way do you remember Thing #9?

Tuesday, 17 July 2007

Thing #45: Invent your own game

This was a bit tricky. Coming up with a game that is fun is not easy. In January while on a day trip I came across a Monopoly type of game that you could customise. I thought that might have been a good candidate for this Thing, but how would I share the excitement with you?

Fast forward 6 months and I now proudly present 'Sparkling Cow Look', a simple yet addictive game! Just make sure you shoot the cow in the water pool!

PS: No animals were hurt while producing this game.

Thursday, 12 July 2007

Thing #33: Bake a cake - Done!

If I am going to exercise at a later date, I may as well bake the cake now and lose all the calories later. So for Thing #33 I present a Tiramisu.

I can hear you begging for the recipe, but that's a secret. Well not that much of a secret, googling tiramisu returns more than 5million pages and even if a fraction of them are recipes you get the picture.

One of my favourite cooking sites is Cooking for Engineers! Step by step instructions accompanied by photos make sure you can't get a recipe wrong! Oh, and don't forget to check out the experiments section! For the tirumisu click here.

Friday, 6 July 2007

Let's do something else

It's been raining the last few days so impossible (no really) to go our for jogging so I have to postpone this Thing. Not my fault right?

Monday, 2 July 2007

It's Monday!

It's Monday and I have started training again. Hopefully, I will survive the week and complete this Thing.

Wednesday, 27 June 2007

From Monday...

During the Christmas holidays we look a year back and start remembering all the promises we made to ourselves. Then, we forget them for a week and make the very same New Year's resolutions we did last year, only to forget them again for another year. Of course, I am the exception. You see, I don't make any resolutions; what's the point after all?

You are probably wondering what have New Year's resolutions got to do with the 101 things. Well, for Thing #60 I have to live without something I love for a week. Now it's a bit tricky to find something I 'love' that will actually make this Thing a challenge. I thought of staying away from the PC for week, but then I stopped dreaming.

So, I decided to revert this Thing. Instead of living without something I love for a week, I will do something I don't love for a week: exercise. I used to exercise occasionally, but then I became old and boring (hey, that's why I am going through the book right?) and stayed away from regular training (yes, once a month) for some time. It's high time I got back to it... from Monday.

Tuesday, 19 June 2007

101 Things You Need to Know... and Some you Don't

I was looking to buy a copy of the "101 things to do before you are old and boring" and came across the "101 things you need to know and some you don't". Similar idea, same approach and another 101 things to do!

If you want to buy your own copy, try Amazon.

Sunday, 17 June 2007

Thing #30: Make a one-minute movie

The Gateshead Millennium Bridge is a pedestrian and cycle bridge spanning the River Tyne in England between Gateshead on the south bank, and Newcastle upon Tyne on the north bank. Minuscule hydraulic rams, one on each side, tilt the bridge back on special pivots to allow small ships and boats to pass underneath. Its appearance during this manoeuvre has led to it being nicknamed the Blinking Eye Bridge.

This more than one minute video does not show the blinking eye effect (click here to see this) but it does show the boat passing underneath! Enjoy!

Links of interest:

Saturday, 16 June 2007

Thing #62: Cook a meal & Thing #99: Be vegetarian for a week

East meets west! Cooking for friends is always nice, especially when they help you cook (and they wash the dishes too). After careful consideration and long deliberation we decided to try for starter a more European style menu and for main course a more Asian style menu.

The "European" menu:

  • Salted fish in oil
  • Houmous bruchetta meze
  • Tuna with sweetcorn
  • French fries
  • Ouzo

The "Asian" menu:

  • Prawn crackers
  • Spring rolls
  • Rice noodles with seafood
  • Scallops in a soya sauce
  • Crab claws on a bed of prawns
  • Vegetable dumpling with crab sauce
  • Sea weed star

All the above are suitable for vegetarian who eat fish, so I also claim Thing #99 done. I know it's not for a week but the shear complexity of the above menu is a good enough reason to make such a claim.

Oh, and for desert go to a friend and have coffee.

Wednesday, 6 June 2007

Thing #80: Start your own secret society

I started my own secret, but as it is secret, I can not tell you more about it.

Saturday, 2 June 2007

Thing #88: I did not do it

From Quality Assurance Department:

Dear Reader,

We would like to bring to your attention that on Thursday, 10 May 2007 a video clip was posted from YouTube. That very same video clip had been posted before on Saturday, 6 January 2007. We strive to provide quality posts and you, the reader, should demand better service. Posting the same clip twice and receiving no complains can be interpreted as:
  1. you don't pay any attention to what is posted
  2. you don't actually visit the site, hence no way to pay attention
  3. you have the memory of a goldfish

Of course, one could argue that this was my fault as I forgot that I had posted the clip and then went on and posted it again. In such case, I have to assume responsibility for the deterioration of the posting quality. Of course, this is not an option and I will blame it on you who did not notice it and claim that Thing #88 is now completed.

Friday, 1 June 2007

Thing #30: Make a one-minute movie... and stay Current

I came across a few days ago. Current features "pods", or short programs, of which are created by viewers and users; a very interesting approach indeed, which seems to work, as I have a watched a few pods already. I am blogging this! Try it out! Their web site is:

Wednesday, 30 May 2007

Thing #87: Learn to use long words

I am Greek. And Greeks are used to long words. In fact their names are usually very Greek and make everyone say: that's Greek to me. That's what Xenophon Zolotas (economist and prime minister) (warned you about the names!) stated in one of his historical speeches:

"I always wished to address this Assembly in Greek, but realized that it would have been indeed "Greek" to all present in this room. I found out, however, that I could make my address in Greek which would still be English to everybody. With your permission, Mr. Chairman, l shall do it now, using with the exception of articles and prepositions, only Greek words."

And then we went on..

"Kyrie, I eulogize the archons of the Panethnic Numismatic Thesaurus and the Ecumenical Trapeza for the orthodoxy of their axioms, methods and policies, although there is an episode of cacophony of the Trapeza with Hellas. With enthusiasm we dialogue and synagonize at the synods of our didymous organizations in which polymorphous economic ideas and dogmas are analyzed and synthesized. Our critical problems such as the numismatic plethora generate some agony and melancholy. This phenomenon is characteristic of our epoch. But, to my thesis, we have the dynamism to program therapeutic practices as a prophylaxis from chaos and catastrophe. In parallel, a Panethnic unhypocritical economic synergy and harmonization in a democratic climate is basic. I apologize for my eccentric monologue. I emphasize my euharistia to you, Kyrie to the eugenic and generous American Ethnos and to the organizes and protagonists of his Amphictyony and the gastronomic symposia".

Being able to read and actually understand what he is talking about qualifies me for Thing #87.

Monday, 28 May 2007

Things to do for 3 years!

It's now 5 months since I started going through the list and I have completed 14 Things. With this rate it will take me 3 years to complete the entire list, which is a good thing (ironic isn't it?) because it means I will have something to do for some time. If nothing else, the list and my adventures provides a good source of topics for discussion over a top: "so, how come with your fitness levels you managed to survive the stairs thing?"

Thing #46: Go as fast as you can (done!)

I think I flew once with a Boeing 747 which has operational speeds of over 1000 km/h. That's fast! However as I can not really recall whether it was a 747, I will consider flying with a MD-11 a few days ago as the closest thing to flying as fast as I can. The MD-11 has a speed of about 945 km/h. Both airplanes are very easy to spot. The 747 is massive, you just can not miss it! The MD-11 is a three-engine medium to long-range wide body airliner, with two engines mounted on underwing pylons and a third engine at the base of the vertical stabilizer. For example, click here for a photo of a FedEx MD-11 or the one below.

Of course, the above speeds are nowhere close to those of the Orbiter Specifications (for Endeavour, OV-105) which has a speed of 27,875 km/h but this will do for now! Speaking of which, did you know that the Boeing 747 is used to transport the Space Shuttle? Check it out!

Saturday, 26 May 2007

How much does Wired cost in Canada?

And the answer is CAN$5.99, which is still cheaper than it is in the UK. And you can buy the June issue in the third week of May. And there are many of them available to choose from (hm... but they are all the same, aren't they?). Anyway, I got a few to read while going there to find out how much it costs to buy Wired, but ended up adding one more to the collection of unread Wired magazines.

Friday, 18 May 2007

The problem with collections

In a previous post I mentioned I had a collection of unread Wired magazine. Well, I decided to start reading them, which would have meant that I would not have a collection of unread Wired magazines anymore. So, I put them in chronological order only to find that I was missing one! It's like you are about to complete a puzzle and then you find out that one piece is missing. Even worse (and you can blame Murphy for this), this piece is ALWAYS in the middle of the puzzle.

Friday, 11 May 2007

Links are good!

I just found out that the book's official web site has add a linked to my site. Thanks! :)

If you have a blog or personal web site, why not add a link here too?

Thursday, 10 May 2007

Thing #32: Visit...

"There are thousands of amazing sites to visit around the world..." and it's good to see that I have already visited those required for this Thing to be completed:
  • safari park (the nearest safari park is a few thousand km aways, so a zoo will do for this)
  • carnival (got the t-shirt)
  • castle (no knights there, but still...)
  • theme park (A long, long time ago in a galaxy far away...)
  • a farm (mooouOOOOO)
  • an aquarium (ohh... there's a fish, and another one, and another one... etc)
  • the countryside (I almost live there)
  • another country (done)
  • your capital city (done)

So I guess I can claim this Thing is now completed!

It would have been soooo much better, if I had to show you a video clip like the one below:

Saturday, 5 May 2007

Thing #25: Start a collection

Collecting things is an addiction that can become easily become obsession. You buy a couple of things that you really like and then you need to have the rest of them. Then, the whole universe conspires against you in order to miss or not find the last thing that will complete the collection!

Anyway, for this Thing I put forward my collection of... unread Wired magazines. I have now 12 issues that I have not managed to read due to other committemments (i.e. work). Still, every month I make sure I pay the -now regular- visit to the local newsagent.

You may wonder why don't I just subscribe? Well a subscription in the States costs $20 for two years (no this is not a typo), while in the UK a subscription for one year costs £59.64! WHY? And if you think this is due to the magazine travelling over the big pond called Atlantic Ocean, well think again. The yearly subscription in the UK costs about 25% more than buying 12 individual issues from the newsagent!
And if you thought that only applied to one magazine's subscription rates, then think again! Read this review in PCPro about IT related prices.

Sunday, 29 April 2007

Thing #72: See your music idol perform live

When I was younger, much younger, I used to listen to Bryan Adams a lot. I had a poster of him on my door, I bought his on tapes and CDs (they had started becoming mainstream) and generally tried to follow his career (remember this is pre-web era!). So I guess Bryan Adams was my music idol back then.

When I found out he was coming to our city guess what I did! I went and saw him perform live, which is very handy, because it means I have fulfiled Thing #72!

Check out the videos below:

Thursday, 19 April 2007

Thing #70: Spend Christmas in another country

Hm... what's the definition of 'another country'? I live in the UK, but I was not born here. So technically, 'another country' could be considered as any country other my native one. Hence, spending Christmas in the UK qualifies me for this Thing.

On the other hand, this is not really exciting as I have been doing this for... well, for ever! As such for this Thing to be completed, I will consider my trip to China a couple of years ago for Christmas and New Year's Eve.

A photo from the New Year's Eve party!

Saturday, 14 April 2007

Thing #43: Make a difference - Do something charitable

Dear reader,

This is YOUR opportunity to do something before you're old and boring!

Help me raise £250 pounds for BBC Children's in need charity and not only become of history (i.e. of this blog) but also of the future (i.e. help children in need). Every single penny you give will be used to support disadvantaged children and young people in the UK.

To donate click here!

Saturday, 7 April 2007

Task #14: See a ghost (done!)

You may wonder why I have not updated the blog for so long. Well, I was undercover looking for ghosts! It takes some time to spot one you know. And I did spot on! I even caught it on camera, but this is not for the light-hearted!

Saturday, 17 March 2007

Thing #9: Done

10000 points, a round number, a good number! And guess what? This is my XP in Enemy Territory! I know it's only a game but the achievement under the circumstances and the relief for completing this task (especially as this was my second attempt due to a server crash) can not be described.
Now a veteran I can look back at my days of action just wish that for the near future I will not need a medic!

Thursday, 8 March 2007

Thing #27: Done!

I may have been very unlucky with the server crashing and losing all my XP but... I have been very lucky with this one. A friend of mine stayed over at my place yesterday and before going to sleep we agree to get up around 8. In the morning, we were about to leave the house when he said: do you know that the clock in the room is one hour slow?!? I woke up at 7 thinking it was actually 8! That made my day as it meant thing #27: turn back time was now officially completed!

Sunday, 25 February 2007


The server crashed and there goes my 7300 XP down the drain. It would have been a matter of few more days to complete this task.

Now there are two options: I start from scratch (please no!) or I continue from where I left it and just gather another 3000 points. Either way this is not good way to start your morning...

Monday, 19 February 2007


I am now getting close to gaining my 10000 XP points.. ok ok 6500 points is not that close. It's definately closer than 5000 points though, albeit not -that- close.

I'd rather finish this thing sooner rather than later as you never know what may happen! For example, yesterday the server went offline for a few hours and there was not any posting as to when it would come back! I would not like to -even- think about starting this from scratch!

So, I'd better get back to it.

Wednesday, 7 February 2007

Babel: random purposefulness

I watched Babel yesterday. I don't want to go into whether it was a good film or not, trying to explain every scene pretending I got the deeper message and have a clear insight into it (which is of course the case). However, I could not help thinking that the 'random purposefulness' I mentioned in a previous post happens more often that we (want to) think or even (want to) admit it does. We want to always feel in control of things, but then suddently something happens and changes everything.

So, the message of the day: go and find your 101 things to do before you are old and boring.

Monday, 5 February 2007

Thing #2: Done!

I was about to exit the local mall this afternoon when I passed by an escalator! A couple was just about to complete their journey of about 30 steps and no one else was in sight, hence no one else would interfere with my attempt (not to mention that I would not be humiliated if I was to fail). This was my moment of glory!

Full of confidence (this happens when you don't really think what you are about to do) I run down the escalator. It was rather confusing when I took the first two-three steps, but once I got the coordination right it was a piece of cake. It was actually much easier than walking down an escalator that was out of order a couple of weeks ago, which made me filly dizzy. You know.. it feels as if the stairs are moving, but they are not!
Now, for those who will say that running down the escalator is easy I have only this to reply: it took me 45 minutes to get my PC's Bluetooth to work so that I could transfer the photograph I took as evidence! And when I managed that, it failed to transfer it after all, so I had to use the memory card itself. So I don't want to hear or see escalators for some time OK?

Wednesday, 31 January 2007

I need a medic!

Who had this idea of me gaining 10,000 points in Enemy Territory? Yes, I know; it was only a figure of speech! After numerous promotions and rewards I am still just below 4000 points, not even half way through to the end. Fear not though, because I will prevail and emerge victorious!

Who am I kidding? After hours of endless battling I will probably be too dizzy to even care!

Friday, 26 January 2007

Thing #9 Update

The last few days I did not have much time to invest in completing Thing #9, but nevertheless I managed to gain 2500 XP points. I hope to have this one finished sometime next week!

Thing #12: Paint a picture good enough to hang on the wall

When I read this Thing my initial reaction was that the 101 Things had just become 100. Ironically, not only I can not use a map to get from A to B (see my previous post my fellow good reader), I can not even draw a straight line from A to B. So, what were there chances I would manage to paint something good enough to hang on the wall.

I started thinking I could use one of the 'Learn how to draw in 17 steps' kind of self-taught courses that they advertise on TV, or I could even go to a drawing class for real. Nah, that's too artistic for me. Then it stroke me (ironically ironic!) that I could use the PC to draw something. I validated by decision by thinking that I have replaced pencils and pens with the keyboard and the mouse for many years now, so that should be fine.

Having overcome this initial hurdle, I started thinking about what to draw. I decided to draw something that was based on simple geometrical figures, but encapsulated something complex. For a long time I have been thinking that random events in our lives often dictate our future. Have you ever wondered for example when you meet someone how many times you may have previously passed by them without even thinking about it? Why would you anyway? You don't know him or her, do you?. And then you get to know them and your whole life changes. I am fascinated by this 'random purposefulness'. I guess this sounds like the butterfly effect to some extent.

The image below is what I came up with. I call it 'City Life', because the two main lines reminded me of the city's skyline. I gave it to a friend who promised to have it hanged, so not only have I drawn something, but convinced someone else that it does not look tooo bad.

Thursday, 25 January 2007

Thing 90: Go from A to B using a map

I was in London the other day and just got out of Kings Cross. It was a relatively cold night, but not that cold so I thought to walk. After careful consideration though, I took the tube and got out to the station that was indicated on the map printed on my hotel's reservation. Thing #90 was just about to be completed! Or so I thought!

You see, maps are usually supposed to help you. Not confuse you. In this case the map was a small square one about 3inches by 3inches that had only the major streets labeled. If you thought that the hotel's street would have been labeled to help you find the hotel easier, well think again. The good news though was that there were maps on every bus stop so I was able to use them to figure out the hotel's street. That made me fell very proud for my problem solving skills!

Anyway, I got out of the metro station and was instantly faced with the big decision. Shall I go right or left? Hmm... left, no right, no left, probably right or... left. OK, right it is. After wondering around the block for some 30 minutes I found myself back to point A. Deja vu! Surely, I have been here before!

I could not believe how difficult something so 'simple' had become. I mean the hotel was supposed to be 5 mins walk from the station, and in fairness it was, provided you knew how to use the map. Standing outside the tube station, for the second time, I decided to go left. This is when I learnt a very important lesson about using maps: you need to be in the right direction.

10 minutes later I was finally there. Yes, I wrote above that the hotel was 5 mins later, but what made you think that I suddenly became an expect on map reading?

Thursday, 18 January 2007

Command acknowledged

Just another 8500 points to go!

Wednesday, 17 January 2007

Thing #9: Play a computer game to the end

When I was younger... much younger I used to play adventure games. Back then you use to type the commands and hoped that the game would understand what you were trying to say. To make the games more difficult, there were no hints 'n tips on the web, because there was no web. Ah... good times!

After all these years I came to realise that completing the game should not be the end goal. Instead you need to enjoy the game sooo much that you will actually make sure you will finish it no matter what. So for this task, instead of finishing a game I will almost the opposite and play a game that has no end!

Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory is a freeware first-person shooter (FPS) computer game, and a standalone sequel to Return to Castle Wolfenstein, created by Splash Damage. Enemy Territory comes with six official maps. On all except Rail Gun, the Allied team are attacking and the Axis team must defend. You have probably figured the goal of the game: stay alive.

As the missions are repeated again and again and again (and again), there is no end to the game. Instead, what I plan to do is gather 10000 eXPerience points. Usually when you join a game you start with 0 points. However many servers have XP save so that you can develop the soldier over time without having to start from scratch every single time.

Let the battle begin...

Tuesday, 16 January 2007

Thing #1: Completed

Your Honor the People will like to present evidence items 1, 2 and 3.

The first piece of evidence is a tie in a bottle.

The second... red, yellow and green peppers in a bottle.

And the third, vodka in a bottle!

Sunday, 14 January 2007

Thing #4: Impossible

I will pretend I have completed Thing #4, i.e. learn how to tell when someone fancies you (and when they don't). This is impossible... especially if you are male.

Thing #1: Almost done!

I got myself in a big trouble! Where would I find three things from three different places (I thought to make this even harder) that are bottled and could be gifted? After visiting a dozen shops with no result, signs of early despair appeared on the horizon. Then, I realised that a lot of things are actually bottled! Sometimes we are too close to a challenge or a problem that we fail to spot even the simplest of things: I missed not only the forest, but the entire mountain!

Anyway, relaxed that I have found a couple of potential things to buy that were bottle and could be nice gifts I went to eat something. Two pastries, a sandwich a donut and some milk later I decided to visit a near by shop before calling it a day. I went in, had a quick look around and was about to leave when I thought to double check that I did not miss the treasure. 'Oh we do have bottle things, and you are a bit lucky as we only have one piece left at the moment!' I won't tell you what that thing is until I complete this task and produce the goods, i.e. photos of the three things in action.

Saturday, 13 January 2007

The official web site

By the way this is the official blog for the book:

Design Monkey: "101 Things To Do Before You Die / 101 Things To Do Before You're Old & Boring / 101 Things You Need To Know ... and Some You Don't / and Other Projects ..."

Decision time

A man is the sum of his decisions (has anyone said that before?). So this morning's decisions feature:

1) I am not going to throw a bottle in the sea as this is considered littering and contradicts another Thing.
  • Action: need to find a different way of completing this task. Does it count if I throw the bottle and then find it myself? Technically this should be OK! Probably not. So, what I will do is track down three different things (e.g. a ship, a tree, etc) in bottles and buy them. Then I will give them to a friend. With one stone three birds: I complete the task, I do some shopping and I make (hopefully) someone happy for about 10 seconds.

2) I will repeat some but not all the Things that I have already done; life is too short to do the same thing more than once, for the sake of doing it.

  • Action 1: I will replace all those things that I will not do different tasks.
  • Action 2: While doing so, I will also comment on the original Things too, so that we have a complete account of all Things.

3) I do not need to do things sequentially. Isn't it great when you can make the rules? I know I sound like Monica in Friends!

By the way, I added a table with the numbers between 1-101 so that I and, of course, you valued reader can track my progress. As decision number 2 allows me to retrospectively claim that a tasks was completed I officially announced that I have just completed Thing #36: Start your own blog!

Six degrees

You may have come across the term Six Degrees most probably because of its relation to Hollywood and namely the Kevin Bacon number and the movie with the same title that featured Will Smith. The basic idea is that human beings (i.e. you and me) are connected through relationships with at most six other people. In other words pick a stranger, in average he or she will be a friend of a friend of a friend of a friend of a friend of a friend. (For those interested I strongly suggest reading Watt's Six Degrees: The new science of networks and Barabasi's Linked: How Everything Is Connected to Everything Else and What It Means for Business, Science, and Everyday Life)

At first it may seem a bit bizarre. That's probably what Stanley Milgram thought and tried his small world experiment, which was later tested using emails (e.g. look here). Participants are given an item and a recipient. If they know the recipient they can forward it directly to him or her. If not they will need to forward it to someone who they think is closer to the recipient than them. Can you guess how long (on average) the chain is?

By now your question should have been: what do all the above have to do with the message in a bottle? Well, the message could have said: "If you find this bottle please forward it to X. If you don't know him forward it to someone who you think is closer to X". If you are going to start throwing bottles in the sea, you may as well do it for the benefit of science!

Friday, 12 January 2007

Houston we have a problem

Throwing bottles in the sea can have a range of expected and... unexpected results. For example there is the case of the someone finding a bottle in the UK originating from the US and complained about littering. In another case they are used in a project or even to celebrate an important moment in one's life.

The problem is that by sending bottles out you are indeed littering, like it or not, which contradicts Thing #23: Help save the planet. So I need to find a different mean of completing this task.

By the way I went through all the Things and some of them I have already done. In fact I am doing one right now. Think #36: Have your own blog. So I need to make up my mind do previous experiences count? Perhaps I could substitute with something else and still earn my coloured star! I don't have to decide now. Plenty of stuff to do before we run out of Things.

Thursday, 11 January 2007

Messages in bottles

I started thinking about messages in bottles and remember of the movie with Kevin Costner (imbd). Basically, a woman finds a tragic love letter in a bottle on a beach (yeah! where else?), and she decides to find the sender. There was also a 1979 song by The Police, from their second album, Regatta de Blanc.

I also did a quick search and you can order messages in bottles for £19.90 (not even £19.99). You have up to 2000 characters to express your feelings which are then put in the bottle. Then bottle is then sent to you; so you won't have to look for it at your nearby beach. It even comes with its own chest.

Actually, if you are to get a message in a bottle gift you may as well go to They have a great selection for all occasions! I checked their frequently asked questions but they have nothing on how strong their bottles are and if they will survive in open sea.

Thing #1: Send a message in a bottle

This is NOT difficult. Or is it?

The first thing that came to mind is where to throw the bottle. It will have to be somewhere in open sea so that there will be a chance of it going far far and even further away. On the other hand it will probably get lost. Possible solutions: try multiple sites to ensure higher chance of at least one message surviving.

Second issue: what kind of bottle will it be? It has to be something that will be friendly to the environment but at the same time it will last the journey. The key here is perhaps the seal. I used a cork it will probably won't last too long.

Third point to think: the message. The book has a couple of suggestions. I could use both of them if I was to send out more than one bottles. It also suggests that the message is translated to different languages. Make sense. I could use Babelfish or even ask my friends to translate it for me. Eh... ok Babelfish it is (this was almost a joke).

So, it seems I have now a plan!

Finally in business!

The book arrived today, so I am finally going to give the 101 things a go. First impressions were excellent. The book has a nice feeling and seemed like great value for the 5 pounds I spent on it. It even has coloured stickers you can use to award yourself for each completed tasks.

.... which is one of the issues. You see it is actually targeting younger people... much younger than me. Still when one is determined to have, one will have fun. So I am not going to allow this minor detail to ruin the whole thing! So I proposed to myself the following: I will swap all things that would have been too easy for an adult or would not even apply with something else. Needless to say I immediately agreed with myself. Perhaps you can suggest things to do too. I will need a few more anyway because something I will not do (I will come to this when the time comes!).

Anyway, lets start!

Monday, 8 January 2007

Your order has dispatched

well ok, my order has dispatched and as soon the book arrives on my doorstep, hopefully within a couple of days, I will get going with the list!

Saturday, 6 January 2007

Places to visit!

Books with things to do

There are a few books with "x things to do before y". So I though to compile -perhaps ironically- a list of them:

  • 101 Things to Do Before You Die / Amazon
  • 101 Things to Do Before You're Old and Boring / Amazon
  • 100 Things to Do Before You Die: Travel Events You Just Can't Miss / Amazon
  • 1000 Places to See Before You Die / Amazon
  • Ten Fun Things to Do Before You Die / Amazon
  • 101 Things to Do During a Dull Sermon / Amazon
  • 101 Things to Buy Before You Die / Amazon
  • 211 Things a Bright Boy Can Do / Amazon
  • 101 Things to Do in a Shed / Amazon
  • Hotel Hobbies: 50 Things to Do in a Hotel Room That Won't Get You Arrested / Amazon
  • The Experts' Guide to 100 Things Everyone Should Know How to Do / Amazon
  • 101 Things to Do After You Get Your Private Pilot's License / Amazon
  • 101 Things to Do with a Slow Cooker by Ashcraft / Amazon
  • Things to Do Now That You're 60 / Amazon
  • Things to Do Now That You're 40 / Amazon
  • 10 Things to Do Before You're 16 / Amazon
  • How to Be Your Little Man's Dad: 365 Things to Do with Your Son / Amazon
  • Sixty Things to Do When You Turn Sixty: 60 Experts on the Subject of Turning 60 / Amazon
  • 101 Great Things to Do with Your Digital Camera / Amazon

Friday, 5 January 2007

New year resolutions

I am one of these people that connect things in their head piece by piece and then they have the big Aha! moment (you know the moment with the flashing bulb over your head?). Well I had one of these moments today. I have been thinking of something interesting to get myself involved with for sometime and came up with a long list of things. Mostly involved creating collections (or databases if you prefer) of things and putting them on the web. What's the point after all if you are to do something and keep to yourself?

I also wanted to start writing again. Not that I ever stopped. But I could not find anything to write about. Of course it would have be something interesting, otherwise no one will read it (remember the sharing concept?). It would also have to be interesting for me too, otherwise I will bore myself to death and this is supposed to be fun.

I struggled for sometime and then watched CSI.

Grissom: So, let's see. You surf, you scuba dive. You're into latex, you like fashion models and Marilyn Manson. And you also have a coin collection?

Greg: Weird, ha?

Grissom: Well, I race cockroaches.

No I am not going to get involved with any of the above (especially racing cockroaches!). It was just a reminder that I was probably spending too much time thinking about what I want to do instead of actually doing something. So now, well yesterday, I got determined, but still lacked the idea. And the idea came this morning.

I have a friend who listens to this random music called Jazz. I like Jazz; sometimes, not always, but that's another story. Anyway, he said why don't you try the '101 Things to Do Before You're Old and Boring'. The book gives you ideas and encourages you to log your experiences. This is the moment I had the flashing bulb over my head. I can do 101 things and then blog them. Sounds reasonably cool.

Actually I had already read '100 Things to do before you die'. Typical me, I read the booklet (very short read), highlighted the interesting bits and then filed it under 'Useful for quotes'. I guess you have figured the plan already. I follow the books and do what they say. Some of the stuff in this type of books can often be crazy or so improbable that they end up being crazy for my taste so I won't or I can not do them. Everything else I will blog and keep you updated of my progress.